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tv   Fox and Friends Sunday  FOX News  December 11, 2016 3:00am-7:01am PST

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good morning to you. it is sunday, december 11,2016. we have a fox news alert. a terror attack outside a soccer stadium killing nearly 40 people an rattles a nation. twin blasts erupting in turkey and caught on camera in multiple locations. dozens are now dead. more than 150 injured. we'll bring you the latest in moments. one of the world's most influential businessmen emerging as president-elect trump's possible pick for secretary of state. >> he's much more than a
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business executive. he's a world class player. he knows the players and knows them well. he does massive deals in russia for the company. >> less than 24 hours later, the media already unleashing a familiar attack. and it was 14 seasons in the making but the army black knights, they finally did it. >> second down and 8, trailing by three. touchdown army. >> yes, you saw it, i saw it, army beat navy. i was there. it was thrill and finally we're on top. >> did you tear down the goal post? >> i tried to help. you're still on a high from yesterday. >> absolutely. >> your hair didn't move.
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it was perfect. >> my hair didn't move. the cadets stormed the field and they had a tank that drove on the field too. it was amazing. long overdue. >> there were a lot of tears on the part of the midshipman's faces. >> i was there with ollie north, he was crying. >> i'm a navy firl. wasn't so happy. we'll talk about that we start with the fax news alert we began with this morning. a terror attack targeting two. two coordinating explosions just outside a soccer stadium. 30 people are now dead, 30 of whom are officers. the first was a car bomb detonated with a remote control
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and then seconds later, a homicide bomber detonating a vest in a nearby car. more than a dozen are critical. we'll keep a close eye on that. and the democrats lose again, the gop maintaining a 52-48 edge in the senate ach louisiana voters choose john kennedy to fill the state eats open u.s. state seat. defeating foster campbell in saturday's election. the last contest before president-elect trump takes auchs. and heavy snow and frigid temperatures coast to coast. the winter storm canceling 100 flights in chicago. drivers in the midwest spinning out on icy roads, getting stranded on the roadside. and this massive incident in flint, michigan, 40 vehicles piled up shutting down i-75.
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and in buffalo new york they're digging out of more than 2 feet of snow. college football's highest honor is awarded for the 81st time. >> the winner is lamar jackson of university of louisville. >> that is of more quarterback lamar jackson becoming the first louisville player to ever win the heisman trophy. jackson the youngest player to win it, 19 years old. counted 51 touchdowns this year alone. 19 years old. unbelievable. good for him. >> see if he'll stick it out for four years. >> that's the question. let's talk politics right now. overnight rex tillerson, ceo of exxon, is now sitting at the top and maybe perhaps the front runner as secretary of state as even donald trump last night,
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his interview is going to air on fox news sunday this morning, talking about rex tillerson. take a listen to his interview with chris wallace. >> let me ask you about rex tillerson. >> okay. >> head of exxonmobil. why cousin a business executive make sense as a chief diplomat. >> he's much more than a business executive. he's a world class player. he's in charge of i guess the largest company in the world. he's in charge of an oil company that's pretty much doubled the size of his next nearest competitor, a company that's been unbelievably managed. and to me a great advantage is he knows many of the players and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia for the company, not for himself, for the company. >> he came out of nowhere. obviously. >> right. he wasn't a house hold name. >> but condy rice and bob gates
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for two proponents of him, brought his name up to trump and others saying this is a guy who knows a lot of people across the international spectrum and has a lot of respect with other businessmen across the world and could be a boss blg pick. >> you listen to president-elect trump there, sounding like she's going to be the ultimate pick. as you said, four kids from wichita, texas, the only place he's ever worked is exxon. >> climbed up the ladder, started as an engineer and worked his way up through the cou company. he's worth 500 times the average american's salary. >> 500 times me? >> worth $150 billion. he's travelled around the world, make big international deals. exxon goes back and forth with apple as being the largest company in the world. but of course he's got the ties to russia.
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he received a friendship award from vladimir putin. stream media asking questions about his ties to putin. >> if you pull up his name on google, you get a lot of the headlines, he's in the pockets of vladimir putin. you want the american people to get to know who this man is. if you're head of the largest company of the world, you have to have a deep understanding of the world affairs. >> the reflect of the left is if you know people and you've made money you must be bad. this is a guy who knows people, made things happen across the globe, russia, the middle east as we talked about yesterday. has relationship with players across the spectrum. you want that if you're going to cut deals. ambassador bolton looks like he'll be his deputy. he knows the state department, knows diplomacy, understands the nature of our enemies will be a
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great counsel to someone -- >> will he take the question. >> that's the question. >> the reason why i think he would take it, if it is tillerson, it's that much more important to have someone under him that understand the areas that he's not fluid in and he understands the state department. maybe john bolton will say, this allows me to do a job. i would have a lot to do in that role. but of course yesterday this broke and the media yesterday sort of went crazy over his ties to russia. here's how it played out. >> the face of big oil in america could become the face of american diplomacy. >> president-elect trump turns to a corporate tycoon as his secretary of state with no government experience wu no stranger to international negotiation, including close ties to russia's willed mere
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putin. >> rex tillerson, a successful executive with no government experience. his business ties with russian are already raising concern. >> in 2013 awarded the friendship award with vladimir putin. >> he has ties to russia as it comes out that russians may haven flunsed this election with their hacking. i think that it's very transparent. >> now this has not been announced yet, of course. but it could very well happen. >> looking like lie. >> and you have some republicans who have going to have to go through the confirmation process. senate john mccain saying, i want to give him the benefit of the doubt with his pick. but anyone who says that vladimir putin is a nice guy is lying. he's a murderer and a bully. >> the media is giving to doubt.
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no government experience, is that a negative or a positive? what have question gotten out of government experience. people are looking for an outside of the box new approach and that's what he represents. >> this is exactly what is senate confirmation is for. to ask the question that might be a concern to senator john mccain, marco rubio, they can hash this out at a senate confirmation. we had mayor giuliani yesterday on the coach announced he's pulling himself out of the running. you have to think of the politics behind closed doors behind all of this, and you have to think of mitt romney, you wonder how he's feeling about how this is playing out, how he's being public about essentially wanting the job. >> i think he was never up for that job. >> maybe not, i don't know. >> they wanted a public apology from him on the national stage after what he did to trump. >> i did see rudy last night,
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rio de janeiro w rudy giuiliani was in the box they was in at the army game, i said, you handled this gratefully. but i'm going to pitch the army/navy game. >> what happened? >> the army beat navy midshipman 24-17 to end an 14-year streak. a lot of times the politicians, behind the bullet proof glass, you never now how they're going to be received. he was highly cheered. tell me about the uniforms. >> the carmy guys were modeled after the paratroopers of the 82nd airborne of woshrld war ii. this is what the coach says, what it means to win after 15
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years. >> coach, you've waited 15 long years for this moment. what emotions are flowing through you right now. >> so happy for our kids. happy for every soldier in a fox hole around the world from brady jackson to stressman to the long gray line, just boy, it's a long time coming. i'm proud of the team how they fought. what a second half. i couldn't be more proud >> you get chills watching this game and you're so proud of everyone on the field. >> you watch, everyone sings the navy song and they come over and play the west point song. a great tradition. they battle it out on the gridiron. >> it was need to see after they won -- >> is that rick perry? >> yeah. there's bullet proof grass. >> there's our good friend k.t.
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mcfarland. >> there's rudy. >> what kind of food did they have in that box? >> hot dogs. they were kind of cold, though. there's ollie north fb navy as you know and there was me celebrating the win. after they won they cut to a shot of the soldiers in afghanistan and they were jumping up. pretty cool. >> what a great day of football. >> your glow will continue. >> i'll be glowing all morning and i'll put my hat on. coming up, rex tillerson expected to run trump's state department. how can a business leader fix that bureaucracy. governor mike huckabee on deck. >> just when you thought the recount drama was over, oh, no, jill stein back again? not so fast.
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sunsweet amaz!n prunes, the feel good fruit. president-elect donald trump is reportedly close to tapping exxon ceo rex tillerson for secretary of state and john bolton as his deputy. what will this teamup bring to the world stage? we bring in former deputy assistant to george w. bush brad blakeman. how is this going to play out and maybe we get an announcement on monday? >> monday or tuesday i think would be the smart way to play it because there's been a lot of anticipation for secretary of state, probably one of the most important cabinet positions that the president-elect will make. and i couldn't think of a better team. a dynamic duo between a business
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leader and a diplomat leading the state department. >> you heard senator john mccain saying we want to give the president-elect the benefit of the doubt but we want to approach this if he's got close tie to vladimir putin. do you think that will be a hangup? >> the senate as the obligation to confirm the president-elect's cabinet picks. 50 countries he deals in, six continents. the fact that he has a relationship with putin i think is something that's going to help our relationship. there's nothing to rebuild. these two people know each other. th he's going to work in the best interest of the united states. he had best interests in the business deals he made with russia for his own company. >> it's back and forth between apple, they kind of compete, the biggest company in the world. a massive undertaking to be a
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business leader in that proportion. how does that transition to running the state department? >> right. here's where john bolton comes in. if john bolton is his principle deputy, he knows the state department in and out. he served in the state department. the fact that he would be the day to day operator, the ceo if you will of the state department i think is the perfect blend of management. you have john bolton managing the day to day operations, the secretary of state managing the diplomac diplomacy. he served two terms in the state department. >> will he want that job? will he be sath there saying, that should have been me? >> he was certainly qualified for that job. but right now the blending of a business leader and a diplomat. i can't think of a better team we've had at the state department than these two gentlemen if in fact they're selected. >> this is probably the next
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biggest announcement on monday or tuesday and then we've got things wrapped up. this. >> look, the people i've been speaking to inside the transition, they've been working tirelessly. you have to vet people, you have to have a wide net cast to make sure you're attracting talent. that's exactly what they've done. >> this is an interesting an good pick. thanks so much. good to see you. coming up, can rex tillerson be confirmed by the senate? democrats and some republicans are promising a fight. governor mike huckabee here to retact to that. kevin mccarthy says you cannot his this movie. some saying this is the movie of the year. we'll be right back with his review.
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we're back with quick headlines. a fox news alert and a desperate search for survivors under way after a church roof collapsing on hundreds of worshippers in nigeria. 150 people are dead with the death toll rising. the building was under construction while being used. and ash carter arriving in iraq hours ago for an announced visit. he's meeting with american commanders and iraqi leaders to assess the process in the fight to retake mosul from isis. he's scheduled to meet with the country's prime minister. now to different news, emma stone and ryan gosling, they're back together on the big screen for "la-la land" and it could not come soon enough. >> it's strange that we keep
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running into each other. >> maybe it means something. >> i doubt it. >> could be one of the best movies in years. here is fox news contributor, our good friend kevin mccarthy. he's 3:00 in the morning out in los angeles. >> this is true. i just woke up around 25 minutes ago here in l.a. it's 3:20 in the morning. but to be on the show talking about "la-la land" one of of my favorite things. this movie is one of the greatest films you will see. emma stone and ryan gosling star in the somehowry. the bill yens is the direct bri dpilment is the director. deal with an aspiring actress and a musician who fall in love in l.a. it's the beautiful story of
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being abactor. emma stone went through the auditioning process herself. moved to l.a. when she was 15 years old and dealt with rejection for so many times. at one point her character goes home and i wanted to know if that ever happened to her. did he ever want too give up? >> yeah. i probably had that every six months. but i didn't go home. i would cry on the floor saying i want to give up, i'm done. i want to give up, it's over. and i would be in the room with my mom or call someone and they would be like okay, do you want to go home? and i would be like no, but i give up and i want to go home. and it would start all over again. i've had that experience in the middle of shoots in movies. after this one, it's over. i can't do it anymore because i obviously don't know how to act what the hell am i doing with my life. >> and the film is brilliant for
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so many reasons. it transcends and really revolutionizes the musical. we all know and love musicals. set in a modern day presence. emma stone and singing and dancing. ryan gosling is really playing the piano. they were going to hire a hand double but he ended up earning everything. very cool. >> wow, i didn't know he played the piano. >> i have a hand double. >> how do you rate it? >> i gave the movie a 5 of a 5. number six 5 out of 5. number three favorite movie of the year. only opening up in new york and l.a. this weekend. goes wide next friday all across the country. i'm telling you right now, this movie is going to win best picture at the academy awards. there's no question. the film is brilliant. the opening shot will blow your mind. i love this film and it reminded
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me why i fell in love with cinema. >> that is high praise. >> thanks, kevin. it will open up next friday next to a small movie named "star wars". >> what did you think of the rival? >> the rival was fantastic. he was talking me in to seeing an alien movie. >> you trust kevin? >> i do. >> i'm going to see that movie today. no one in life has not had a fight, challenges. the cia claims russia interfered with the election but the fbi doesn't believe them. what's going on here? governor mike huckabee to react next. >> there he is. instead of preaching about god your priest starts talking about climate change. the new guidelines issued for the catholic church. christmas photos, the hilarious fails you have got to see.
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♪ here comes santa claus >> my favorite time of the year, the time when we get to see the awkward christmas photos. the kids get scared and scream. >> that is the age. >> 3 they're okay, 2 is terrible. you can see this little boy trying to run away from old st. nick. >> they can't handle it. he's scary looking. these two boys try to reach -- i don't know what they're doing. >> reach up just in time to block santa's face for the photo. and the parents of this little girl couldn't hold back their smile as the little girl decided she wanted her photo upside down down. >> something tells me she was tired. >> i think this kid is owning it. >> the boor kid seemed to take over the seat. >> giving a frightened look to
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the camera. >> i want to see your funny photos with santa, in. we want to see all of your photos. >> the more i refer, year after year, the more embarrassing the better. >> what is it about santa that freaks out 2-year-olds. >> the beard. >> the beard, yeah. >> the big red costume? >> i love it. headlines to get to, starting with this one, jill stein call michigan's handling of the november presidential election a hot mess despite the fact she won only 1% of the vote. a day of the supreme court denied her appeal. climate change, a permanent part of the catholic church. the pope releasing new guidelines for the priests
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forcing them to promote climate change kpp climate change is real and caused by people's activity. a scathing op-ed bashing mr. trump and explaining, quote, to gaslight is to psychologically manipulate a person to the point where they question their own sanity and that is what trump is doing to this country. two guests are suing a groom and his venue after his drone seriously injuries them on the dance floor. >> one of my waiters came running in a panic saying the drone is inside the tent. so we went outside to tell them you can't do it, have to put it away. too late. >> the suit claims that the groom was controlling the drone when it crashed into two women, wounding one so baddy that she
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needed more than 20 stitches. the groom saying he wasn't controlling the drone. >> make sure the batteries are charged before you crash it into a wedding. let's bring in mike huckabee to talk about it. nice to see you this morning. good morning. >> thank you, good morning. >> this is not a radio show. do we have him? we can hear him. >> he's such a handsome guy. >> nice to see you. now we can see you. let's talk about rex tillerson. we've been talking about it on the couch. it looks like the tran six team let this leak out to the press so see how it would play over the weekend. we talked to brad blackman a short time ago saying we might see an announcement monday or tuesday. but the mainstream media jumped all over this weekend calling him an oil tycoon. surprise you at all? >> no, not really. i mean i think the democrats
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have got to target some of the appointee to prove that they're relevant. the purpose of the confirmation process is to do exactly that, to confirm, to make sure that a person is up to the job, that there's nothing in their background that would cause alarm. this is an incredibly important position. i think the democrats and the republicans have a constitutional responsibility to fully vet anybody who is going to be the secretary of state. but they need to be reasonable. i mean they need to actually check to whether he's prepared for the job, not to go back and see if he played a prank when he was in college or if in some memo he wrote to a staffer 35 years ago, she said something that was politically incorrect. let's hope this is a confirmation, not a witch hunt. >> this pick obviously surprised the media yesterday and it's something that president-elect seems to love to do, surprise people when they least expect it. someone else it might surprise this morning is mitt romney who
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seems like he was up for the position. was he ever taken seriously for that job? what is your sense on that and how do you think he's feeling this morning? >> i think he was taken seriously. he had two different interviews with president-elect trump. so that indicates there was at least serious consideration. there were many of us who had some heart buburn about it. donald trump was a magnanimous man willing to consider him and put him on the list in spite of the horrific things he said about donald trump. i think it shows a lot about the character of donald trump, his nature to forgive and forget and move on. >> obviously a lot of the media already jumping on him, the "washington post" said there's a heed line saying tillerson might be the worst pick on president-elect trump's list. you mentioned confirmation where it really matters.
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there's democrats and republicans promising a confirmation battle. this is what senator john mccain had to say about rex tillerson. i want you to react to his initial perception. take a listen. >> i'd have to examine it. you want to give the president-elect of the united states a chance. but vladimir putin is a thug, a bully and a murderer, anyone else describing him as anything else is lying. we cannot have accommodation with the russians until they understand what ronald reagan taught them, which is peace through strength. right now we have no peace, we have no strength. i don't know what mr. tillerson's relationship with vladimir putin was. but it is a matter of concern to me. >> governor, does that become an issue? >> not necessarily. i mean the fact that exxon does business in countries all over the world, so what.
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it does business in russia. does that mean that tillerson is a puppet of putin? not al up n not at all. the best con fir mags prospefir tillerson is the media hates everyone that he pickets. >> speaking of putin, there was questions about whether the russians were involved in the election process, we heard the cia report over the last few days, and yet the fbi is concerned about the cia's report. i want to read the fbi's statement on this in the washington post. the bureau wants facts and tangible evidence to prosomething. the cia is more comfortable drawing inferences from
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behavior. seems luke a battle inside the intelligence community this morning. >> there is. the fbi wants enough evidence can take to court an prove beyond a reasonable doubt. the cia can be more flexible saying based on our opinions which is what we think, this is what we infer. but this premise is totally ridiculous that somehow the russians were the ones who were responsible for donald trump's election. that's nonsense. i mean the democrats have come up with so many different spoke screens. it was the media's fault, it was comey's fault, it was a vote counting issue, allah jill stein. every time you turn around they're whining about something. they lost. it wasn't the russians that beat them. it was a lack of ideas, it was hillary being a very poor candidate. it was in maybe some measure the reality of what was leaked in
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those e-mails, the fact that he found out the democrats really did hold contempt for catholics and evangelicals, religious people of all stripes, call them deplorables. that was on the public record. but to say that the russians would like to have trump? look, the russians have been playing this amendment like a fiddle. remember the reset button where hillary meant to say reset and the word set overcharged. when when obama said we can be more flexible after the election is over? what did the russians do? they ignored the russians. they did whatever they wanted to to. i don't think that's going to happen with president-elect trump. >> it's rumored that john bolton will be tillerson's number two. what do you think about that in. >> brilliant choice. he not only knows where the bodies are buried, he probably buried a few more.
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and he may bury a few more and take the fog out of foggy bottom. >> foggy creek. >> great to see you guys. coming up, more on our fox news alert, terror attack battling the entire country. dozens dead after a pair of explosions outside a soccer stadium. a live report there next. and creating a safe space for illegal immigrants at school wasn't enough. now college students want sanctuary from tests. of course they do. >> sanctuary campus from final exams this year. >> so that would mean no final exams? >> yes. school has been really stressful after the trump election. it's really hard to focus on your studies. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare.
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before starting xarelto tell your doctor about any conditions, such as kidney, liver or bleeding problems. to help protect yourself from a stroke, ask your doctor about xarelto. there's more to know. xarelto. welcome back. quick headlines for you. war on christmas edition. >> a nad over the christmas
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music. quote, christmas music was offensive. consider playing holiday music or less religious themed music. the owner is so outraged over it he decided to post it on facebook with the caption, really? what's wrong with people. >> such a great question. >> what song do you play? rudolph? taking christmas to court, a small indiana town being sued over the cross on the top of the christmas tree, a single resident saying he was forced to look at the display every single day causing him irreparable harm. >> what is wrong with these people? we're making a turn to a fox news alert. dozen are dead following a devastating terror attack in turk turkey. >> a pair of explosions rocking the night sky. >> jackie is following the story
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for us. >> the coordinating attacking happening outside of a soccer stadium appearing to target police officer. 38 people dead, 30 of them law enforcement with the death toll expected to rise. terrifying moments caught on video. ♪ >> the attacks happening two hours after the game had let out where there was a heavy law enforcement presence. the first alert a car bomb exploding near a police van carrying riot officers. less than a minute later with the second explosion went off. more than 150 people hospitalized, 14 of them fighting for their lives in intensive care. the explosions coming less than a week after the terrorist group
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isis urged supporters in turkey. the turkey minister brace placing the blame on kurdish militants. a kurdish car bomb killing 37 in the capital in march and in july they tried storming the barracks were but were killed by soldiers. they've detained 13 suspects in relation to the latest attack this story. thank you for the update. creating a safe space for illegal immigrants at school was not enough. now sclej students want sanctuary from tests. >> sanctuary campus from final exams this year. >> interesting. so that would mean no final exams? >> it's hard to focus on your studies. >> really hard to focus on the show too. plus, does rex mark the spot
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for trump's cabinet in ? a fellow ceo who knows rex tillerson well joins us at the top of the hour. >> i like that, it's a serious disease. my doctor said the risk is greater now that i'm over 50! yeah...ya-ha... just one dose of the prevnar 13® vaccine can help protect you from pneumococcal pneumonia- an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13® is approved for adults 18 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13® if you have had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects were pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite,
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welcome back. students are asking their administrations to make their campus a safe space for illegal immigrants. they're not able to enforce immigration law on campus. >> how do you feel about the sanctuary campus? >> i support it. >> university official rules should trump the federal agencies? >> yeah. >> i kind of trust them more than donald trump. >> okay imt.
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>> so it's kind of gw administration over trump administration? >> yes. >> creator of that video, cabot phillips joins us now to talk more about it. nice to see you. >> great to be on. >> they're really hurting right now and need safe spaces on campus. >> you can never have too many safe spaces and we saw this movement that came about after the trump election. how far are the students willing to take it. if you pick and choose what laws to ignore. we asked them about final exams, are they going to ignore that and are they going to ignore student loan laws and going to ignore the student loan laws as well? >> you have some tape here. check it out. >> sanctuary campus where student loan laws don't affect you here. >> oh, absolutely. >> yes. >> something like that imt. >> i don't think a school can say we're going to get rid of your debt. >> some people would say they
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can't say that about immigration law and they are. >> i'm just saying i could see that. >> how many of the students actually understand what it is you're asking? >> they have been convinced by professors that any law or anything in life that hurts their feelings should not be allowed. >> one thing that hurts your feelings is when you get a low grade on a test. maybe we should get rid of tests all together. >> we did a safe space from exams because this has been a trying season. >> let's see what they said. >> sanctuary campus from final exams this year. >> interesting. that would mean no final exams? >> yes. >> hmm. >> been stressful after this election. it's hard to focus on your studies. >> i've had stressful tests, tough and hard to focus. >> in the spirit of the sanctuary movement, i recently declared my office a sanctuary from federal taxes. >> did you secede from the union? >> if any law that makes us
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uncomfortable, why should we have to follow it? >> a lot of them are having trouble with president-elect trump winning? did you find anyone in favor of him winning? >> one student told us, maybe this is a good thing, we should respect the rule of law and that we should uphold the rule of law. i think we have a clip of that as well. >> i voted for donald trump. i don't believe in harboring criminals. it's against the law. we have to enforce federal law where it stands. >> wine bottle -- >> we did -- reallyi it's hard to blame students. for the last eight years they've lived up to a president who has been allowing the sanctuary cities to allow -- is it surprising that they're following the president and -- it's a dangerous -- >> it's interesting to see what they had to say. great work out there. >> voting for a -- >> well done, cabot phillips.
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coming up on the show, a big sunday morning on tap. williams wright davis and bill o'reilly are here live. your insurance company won't replace the full value of your totaled new car. the guy says, "you picked the wrong insurance plan." no, i picked the wrong insurance company. with new car replacement™, we'll replace the full value of your car plus depreciation. liberty mutual insurance. (vo) it's the holidays at verizon, and the best deals are on the best network. with no surprise overages, you can use your data worry free and even carry over the data you don't use. and right now get four lines and 20 gigs for only $40 per line. you'll even get the samsung galaxy s7, the pixel phone by google, or the motoz droid
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good morning. it's sunday, december 11, 2016. i'm abby huntsman. a terror attack outside a soccer stadium rattled a nation. blasts erupting in turkey. caught on camera in multiple locations. dozens are dead. 150 injured. we'll bring you the latest in moments. in one of the most influential visits emerges as possible president-elect trump's possible pick for secretary of state. >> in his case, he's much more than a business executive. i mean, he's a world-class player. he knows many of the players and
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he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia, he does massive deals for the company, not for himself, for the company. >> less than 24 hours later, the mainstream media unleashing a familiar line of attack. a college professor's anti-trump lecture caught on camera. >> he's been o o it's an act of terrorism. >> wait. voting for trump, an act of terrorism. why is the student who took the video facing legal action? one of his fellow students is here to defend him, live. i would defend him too if i had to. >> mornings, better with friends. ♪ it is a winter wonderland here at "fox and friends" on our
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plaza on a sunday morning. look at those. >> we have the best snow and snowmobiles and great snow tools on the plaza this morning. thanks to power sports and atvs for the snowmobiles. snowing on our plaza. just right in one spot. we're going to be out there. >> the magic of television. >> we have great snow toys coming up later. good morning, audience. >> good to be here today. >> pete recovering from a late night at army/navy. >> go army. big win. >> a lot celebrating. i'm sure. >> no commentment. >> we want to start with headlines and the fox news alert. the terror attack targeting police officers in turkey. two coordinating explosions outside of the soccer stadium.
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as of now, 38 people are dead, 30 of whom are officers. officials say the first was a car bomb detonated with a remote control. then seconds later, a homicide bomber detonating a vest in a nearby park. 150 people are injured, more than a dozen are critically. so far turkish officials blaming kurdish militants for that attack. heavy snow and frigid temperatures impacting millions from coast to coast. the winter storm canceling 1,000 flights in chicago with temperatures falling below zero degrees. drivers spinning out on icy roads, getting stranded on the roads. this massive accident in flint, michigan where vehicles piled up shutting down interstate 75. luckily, no one was seriously injured. in buffalo, new york, they're digging out of 2 feet of snow with more expected through tomorrow. the democrats lose again.
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they choose john kennedy to fill the state's open u.s. senate seat. kennedy defeated public service commissioner foster campbell in saturday's runoff election. the last contest before president-elect trump takes office. 14 years of frustration have come to an end. army has finally beat navy. >> second down and eight. driven by three. crenshaw. touchdown! >> what a game it was. army storming the field after a second-half comeback win in the 117 matchup. the black knights sinking the mid shipman. president-elect trump was in attendance as well. what a game that was. >> took the train up. it was amazing. >> you had the best seat in the house. let's be honest. >> amazing seat in the house. we were there.
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that's governor perry. we were n. there in ollie north's suite. >> rudy giuliani was there. >> a lot of navy fans like oliver north himself. >> he was in tears, brad. >> he's never cried before. i saw it once. >> a lot of people were crying on the navy side. >> they've won for 14 years. >> come on. we'll give you one. >> makes it more fun to watch next year. >> they've won for 14 years. >> president-elect trump there, he got a lot of cheers. he was behind bulletproof glass. the energy was amazing. >> i saw it firsthand. well-received. listen, this is a military office. he's going to rebuild the military. they love it. >> he's working on his cabinet. we have insight on to who will be the secretary of state. it seems as if, we talked to brad blakeman early in the show. it was floated out there. it seems to be received pretty well. the mainstream media rex tillerson, he may have ties to
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vladimir putin, he's an oil tycoon has many of the mainstream media have played it overnight. >> he'll be on with chris wallace today. he talks with tillerson and how he's so much more than a ceo. >> let me ask you about rex tillerson, head of exxon-mobil. why does a business executive make sense as the chief diplomat? >> in his case, he's much more than a business executive. i mean, he's a world-class player. he's in charge of, i guess, the largest company in the world. he's in charge of an oil company that's pretty much double the size of his next nearest competitor. it's a company that's been unbelievably managed. to me, a grate advantage is he knows many of the players. he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia. he does massive deals for the company, not for himself. for the company. >> he says he knows many of the
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players. many of the players on the international scene know him as well. bob gates and condoleezza rice brought his name forward and said he would be a substantive pick for secretary of state. >> well-respected at that level. >> the question now is who is rex tillerson. he's not been on the public stage. >> interesting you ask, abby. >> bob murray is the ceo of murray energy. he's known rex tillerson for many, many years. he joins us on the phone to give us insight on who rex tillerson is. nice to have you on the show. >> good morning, folks. i've known rex tillerson for only about five years through the boy scouts of america. wonderful organization. he was the president of the boy scouts of america from 2010 to 2012. but i followed his illustrious career since he becamement of exxon-mobil since 2004.
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>> what kind of a guy is he? >> he's a man who, in my opinion, who is a great diplomat. very experienced. particularly on the international scene, perhaps more than any other executive. there's no question that the united states lost respect in a lot of areas in the world. we'll now have a seasoned, experienced executive as secretary of state rather than incompetent tent politicians in barack obama, john kerry and hillary clinton who have all mishandled our international affairs. he'll do a wonderful job in that role. the thing that i like about him best, he's a production man. he has always produced a product for the benefit of society. he'll be an outstanding secretary of state. >> bob, there are concerns from mainstream media and from even folks in the senate that will ultimately have to get him
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through a confirmation about his business dealings and close ties with vladimir putin and russia. what is your response to them? what would you tell someone with concerns about rex tillerson? >> i believe that those experiences that he's had with russia and vladimir putin will be positive for america. there's no question that during the senate confirmation project he'll be attacked, so will exxon to get the things out of them that they've tried to get the radical environmentalists, the democrats that have tried to get out of him through the legal process. it will be a difficult confirmation, but he will be confirmed because he's perhaps the most outstanding person that i can think of to be representing america around the world. >> bob murray, thank you very much for the insight this morning. you served with him on the boy scouts of america and good insight on his time at exxon as well. bob murray, thanks for joining
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us. interesting to get his perspective. not a lot of people know this man. >> the other thing, he comes as reports indicate, kind of as a package deal. th not just him. but also ambassador john bolton is rumored to be floated as the dech at this as well. >> that would be an interesting pair. brad blakeman thinks that that team of bolton as deputy and tillerson as the main secretary of state would be the best team we may have ever had at the state department. >> they're really different people. they round each other out. the ceo at the understands on the world stage how to get things done and john bolton understands the inner workings of the state department. >> we asked mike huckabee earlier in the show about what he thinks about ambassador bolton. this is what governor huckabee had to say about that pairing. >> brilliant choice. knowing john, when he gets there, he'll burr i have quite a
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few more. he may take the fog out of foggy bottom. >> he knows where they're buried and he buried a few. >> that's one of the assets of bolton has. he knows how it works. why it doesn't work and how to go at it. you've got someone like till everyson with the relationships internationally on a business level. many people have said he's a businessman. that's a good thing. he hasn't been in government. same thing with trump. >> maybe the relationship with russia isn't a bad thing, especially with fightingter rich and isis. we'll talk to general jack keane about this and about this team's surrounding themselves with generals on this stage. people are upset with all the generals around. we're going to get to the heart of it with general jack keane. general outrage from the left about some of president-elect trump's cabinet picks. is that too many generals? >> people have been mired in controversy about the number of
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generals. >> oh, mr. barnicle, tell me why military leadership is a bad thing? general jack keane about to weigh in. the view has done so bad, even barbara walters doesn't want to watch anymore. >> seriously?
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welcome back. although some on the left are concerned that president-elect donald trump surrounded himself with military leaders. watch this. >> is that too many generals? >> people have been mired in controversy about the number of
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generals. >> so is mr. trump's reliance on generals such a bad thing? here to discuss is military analyst and retired general jack keane. good to see you, sir. thanks for being up with us this morning. >> good to be with you, abby. >> what is the concern here? you're talking about generals that reached the pinnacle of their career. what is the problem with them in the cabinet? >> i guess they're implying there's a mill tarization of the national security function. as a result of that, the implication would be that we would be more likely to use military force than other civilians who are running the major functions in the government. >> is that true? >> well, no. it's quite the opposite to be frank. these people that are coming in the government now are some of the most experienced officers going back to world war ii. they're battle hardened. they've got proven experienced. they're being selected because they're the best athletes on the field. they happen to be generals.
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in terms of the war issue, given the fact that they've been at war and they truly understand the human dimension of it much more than anybody here in washington ever would. what that does is that puts a premium on their resisting going to war unless all the other options are exhausted. that will be part of the communication they'll be having with the other members of the national security team. the second thing is, if the president makes a decision to use force, likely what the generals would want to see is that there's a clear objective, that there's an end state in mind and they would push for that. we cannot always get it because some things aren't that clear to begin with. that's where they're coming from. so -- listen, generals in the military get stereotyped and there's a little discrimination going on here and prejudiced i think, also, about senior military leaders may not be up to the task and all this kind of nonsense that we've heard in the
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past. the other thing that's operating here with mr. trump i think, he's naturally connected to people who are very direct, straight talking, have a degree of self-confidence but not arrogant and they're proven, they've accomplished something. >> exactly. he likes someone who is going to go out and git the job done. it's beyond just do we go to war, do we not go to war. the generals have to deal with so many things on the world stage. what about them would make them different than maybe another pick that's not a general for example? >> one of the things, when you get to the top of this institution in the united states military as a four-star general, you have run major, major organizations that have huge amount of civilians in it, there's a bureaucracy there. we focus on the war aspect of what they do, but the truth is, they also spent a lot of time running the significantly large organizations. so when you give them a major
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bureaucracy like the department of defense, which it truly is, or you give them homeland security, another major bureaucracy with a lot of orphans in it, they have considerable public experience at running this. when you're running a public organization inside the military, it has congressional oversight all the time. you have a media dogging you to find out everything you've done in terms of decisions and the decisions you haven't even made yet. they're used to the environment they're operating in. >> rex tillerson, a man everybody is talking about this morning, not officially announced but likely to be the next secretary of state. what do you know about him? how would you think he would be in that job? >> well, i can't comment on that. i mean, what president-elect trump is -- he's seeing all the candidates and he's the only one that's really doing that. he's got to take his own counsel and those around him. i will say this about secretary of state, we have not -- abby,
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we have not faced the kind of global security challenges on the scale we're facing them since world war ii and the rise of the soviet union. these challenges are diverse, they're complex and dangerous. radical islam has morphed into a global jihad and we're facing a major power competition with russia and china that we have not seen in decades. those challenges out there are significant. >> it might be helpful to have someone who understands those other nations. general jack keane, always good to have you with us. good to see you, sir. >> good talking to you, abby. shocking anti-trump lecture by a college professor is all caught on camera. >> our nation is divided. it's an act of terrorism. the people committing this -- >> so why is the student who took that video now facing legal action? one of his fellow students is here live to defend him next. imagine you're in church for sunday mass. instead of preaching about god, your priest talked about climate
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change. father john here to react to the new guidelines released by the catholic church. what makes this simple salad the best simple salad ever?
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welcome back. quick headlines. we're starting with a fox news alert. a vicious attack during sunday mass. 25 people dead. dozens more hurt when a -- in egypt. the blast shattering the windows and destroying pews. it's unclear how the bomb got inside the church. no one claimed responsibility for it so far. another fox news alert. a desperate search for survivors after a church roof collapses on worshippers in nigeria. 160 people are dead with the
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death toll rising. the church building was under construction while being used. a nation divided. we have been halted. it's an act of terrorism. those people in my life is that the people creating this -- we are waiting on the republicans and democrats and back to being a civil war. i don't mean it in a fighting way but our nation is divided clearly as it was in civil war times. my hope is that -- >> the terrorists, the voters, are among us. a college professor in california going off on president-elect trump during class. the rant, which is what it should be called, was posted online and now there are threats of legal action and even expulsion from the student who took it. joshua martinez is the president of the orange coast county republicans. he posted that video shot by an
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anonymous student. he didn't shoot it but posted it. joshua, thanks for joining us. tell us what happened in that class. did this student pop up their phone knowing she would make a rant like this? is this a regular occasion in that class? >> to our knowledge, this is just a sporadic thing. but it's one that we were able to catch on tape. this is something that isn't just an orange coast college problem but we noticed it happening across the united states. during the day, this is one of the first instances where we've seen after the election a professor breaking down and melting down in class. >> joshua, it's one thing to critique the election. it's another thing to say those who voted for him are terrorists. that's not education. that's indoctrination. is something students are hearing there and elsewhere every day? >> with the events that have occurred with the terrorist attack in egypt and terrorist attack in turkey, those comments shouldn't be taken lightly at all. one of the reasons why we've
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shared the video. when it comes down to it, yeah, we are getting a lot of pushback. those conservatives in those classrooms, not just at orange coast college, but throughout the united states. of liberal bias existing where teachers are becoming preachers essentially and really trying to hammer down on conservative thoughts. >> well said. teachers as preachers. well, the teachers union posted something on facebook in response to this video saying. i'll put it on the screen. this is an illegal recording without the permission of the instruct instructor. the student will be identified and may be facing legal action. they're taking this back now. we have a statement from the union after that facebook post where they say that union has never threatened legal action. they just did. now they say they didn't. does not intend to pursue legal action against the student. the college may pursue discipline for violating the syllabus, student code of conduct and california educational code.
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so is this not -- i mean, doesn't that still feel like a threat? >> yeah, it does. that's one of the reasons why we're going to be asking our school's president, dennis harkins to give a statement saying that the student will not receive any action by the school against them. we want to make sure that the student protected. one of the reasons we kept the individual anonymous. at the end of the day, we don't believe that a union or school administration should be targeting a student because of the video that that student got exposing what's occurring in the classroom. >> joshua, we hear a lot of conversation about safe spaces on campus for different viewpoints. do you feel like college campuses, if your college and elsewhere are a conservatives or are you open season for administrators and professors? >> well, you know, at the end of the day, i'm more than happy to have professors expressing their opinion or their thoughts, but
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had it crosses the line when you call essentially the purporters of a candidate terrorists. there should be dialog in a classroom, there's a time and place for t a human sexuality class is not a time and place to be discussing the outcome of an election let alone calling the students terrorists by saying the election was an act of terrori terrorism. who are the terrorists, the supporters of that candidate. >> i've seen terrorists on the battlefield. and you don't look like one. you're good to go. i appreciate your courage on the college campus and speaking up for tolerance becomes intolerant. we appreciate your courage. joshua martinez. thanks for your time this morning imt. >> thank you so much. he's not even the official nominee for secretary of state but democrats are planning their attack for rex tillerson. as an agent of vladimir putin. will that line of attack
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actually work? there you see them right there. they'll debate that next. what do reince priebus and bill o'reilly think of rex tillerson? >> the first big winter storm of the season is here. we're going to help tackle the snow with the must have tools. abby is going to show you right now. nighty night. when are they leaving? grilled cheese and campbell's tomato soup go together like grandchildren and chaos. made for real, real life. cartels, militias, terrorist groups. they all need a place to park their cash
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and cherna is their dirty little piggy bank. we're going to insert into the country while nobody is looking. we're going to steal their money, sir? no, we are going to destroy it. we're going to finish this mission. anything we find is ours. do you want to trust a bunch of black water marks? i mean the rush, i've never felt anything like it. if we stay here we're going to die. then we die.
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welcome back. president-elect trump is expect today announce his secretary of state pick very soon. reports say it will most likely be exxon ceo rex tillerson. will his ties to russia draw fire from democrats as it raised red flags with senator john mccain? co-host of the five here on the fox newschannel, and chairman of the conservative union. matt shah lap. you heard senator mccain's concerns at the army navy game where he said we got to give him the benefit of the doubt with the pick but how closely he's tied to vladimir putin could be concerning. do you think it's a big problem? >> it already is a big problem. that will be the focal point that tillerson is the pick. in terms of the business interests at exxon and u.s. policy in specific, the sanctions on russia right now.
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he's been acquitted of the sanctions because he's been impeded of his ability to gain some of the money and drillings he has with russia and with putin. similarly, he has interests for example in kurdistan that have angered the iraqis. again, a country we have tremendous in as americans. i think it's going to be a real focal point and the additional factor with putin is the differences right now between u.s. intelligence and donald trump, president-elect trump over whether or not russia influenced the election. matt, he was representing his company, exxon. it was in his business interests to do so. can he make that pivot now? do you think it will be a problem for him? >> i think juan is right. this is where the democrats are going. they're not going here just on the potential nomination of rex tillerson but still talking about why they lost the election which is unbelievable to me. they're like that college
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professor, they need to just get over it. here's the thing. rex tillerson doesn't really -- it's being mischaracterized. it's not just a strong relationship with the current head of the government in russia. but it's a good relationship with the state of russia. he has been dealing with various leaders in the state of russia because during his time at exxon, he was the lead liaison to this important country. i think it's great that we'll have people that will have good and strong relations with countries. we have to find a way to deal with. i don't know why that's a weakness. i consider it a strength. >> juan, you guys need to get over it. >> well, you know, i think that politicizing it is one way to approach it. then it becomes you're for tillerson if you're a republican. you're opposed to him as a democrat. that's why, by the way, the trump administration put him up
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to see the public response. here we have in this discussion, really the quinn tess ens of what's going on. i think there is more than politics at play here. i mean, this is what's going on with the intelligence communities and donald trump. make hayden, the former cia director, someone who is conservative has said, if what we see is an effort by the trump team to simply say we disagree with what all the intelligence community and the united states has concluded which is the russians were involved in influencing the election because it doesn't fit with the trump kind of conclusions and political assumptions. when you get into -- >> that's a little different, though. i think looking at how the russians may have influenced the election, i think it's totally lij legitimate. i think congress needs to ask questions. i want to note facts. i think all voters want to know the facts. i think rex tillerson, when you
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pick a ceo for a big job like this, you got to look at all their policy positions. he's been advocating for carbon tax. that makes me very worried. look, there's a lot of issues that need to be explored here when you pick somebody never involved in politics before. >> juan and matt, ten seconds. was mitt romney ever seriously considered for this? >> i hope so. otherwise, he was just shamed and played with by president-elect trump. >> matt? >> head fake. >> i've been saying it for weeks, guys. >> have a great day. abby over to you for headlines. bickering between the fbi and the cia over the hacking influence the u.s. election. this according to reports that the -- vladimir putin helped him get elected. the fbi says it's not so sure. one democrat is going to step
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further. david -- wants the electoral college to consider the hacking before casting their votes. common core on the chopping block. president-elect donald trump pick for education secretary vowing to keep his campaign promise. >> this means letting states set their own high standards and finally putting an end to the federalized common core. >> mr. trump has called for months to return control of education back to state and local officials. then there's this. the view has gotten so bad apparent apparently, even barbara walters hates it. she thinks executives have ruined the show because of a revolving door of talent. she launched the talk show in 1997 but reportedly refused to show up for a reunion. referring to the host as "uninformed child actors."
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>> that's true. you need consistency on a show. deputy springs into action saving a toddler's life performing cpr after a 15-month-old suddenly stopped breathing in a tampa tax collector's office. >> the trainer said don't forget, this might be a baby you're saving one day. >> i'd rather approach a gang of bank robbers than have to do cpr again on an infant. i was probably more scared than the mother was. >> a month after that ordeal, deputy steve donaldson was reunited with the happy and healthy young boy and being honored as an everyday hero. i love stories like that. coming up on the show, imagine you're in church for sunday mass, instead of preaching about god, the preacher decides to talk about climate change. >> that would be wonderful. >> father john is here to react to the new guidelines issued by the catholic church. the first winter storm is here. that means it's time to shovel. i haven't shoveled yet. but i have snow.
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we have the gear to help you get through all that snow, just ahead. i prefer children as labor.
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so, mr. harris, we have your fingerprints on the safe. a photo of you opening the safe. a post using the hashtag "#justrobbedthesafe" so, what are we supposed to think?
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switching to geico could save you a bunch of money on car insurance. excellent point. case dismissed. geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance woo! because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. a real life santa claus bringing cheer. a pennsylvania walmart, paying off every item on lay away to the tune of $46,000. the customers were overjoyed, of course with tears. and senior advisers president-elect kellyanne conway breaking her own glass ceiling. going tock to new jersey to the 150th christmas parade. conway honored for being the
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first female manager that led the winning of a presidential campaign. outstanding. "the new york times" admitting it doesn't understand voters of faith very much. the executive editor saying it failed to recognize the role that religion played in getting mr. trump elected. >> i think that the new york-based and washington-based too probably media powerhouses don't quite get religion. we don't get religion. we don't get the role of religion in people's lives and i think we can do much, much better. i think there are things that we can be more creative about to understand the country. >> religion analyst father jonathan morris is here with what people should keep in mind. >> that's great honesty. i love to hear -- i can't believe i'm hearing what i'm hearing. he also said and should be noted. they have a good religion reporter there and she's
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factual. one thing, reporting on the facts of religious phenomena, this is what people do. the other thing, to understand the experience of god in somebody's life. >> how did it affect this election? >> i think there are a lot of people praying, first of all, for a good outcome. >> there were. a lot of people said they were holding hands with each other praying that whatever happened was the right thing for this country. >> i think another thing were "the new york times" and other news organizations really missed it. they said, oh, no, religious people can't be for this guy, donald trump because he's done this, this and this. a lot of people say, hey, god uses very imperfect instruments all the time. therefore, maybe this is the good best thing for the country even though the instrument is very -- >> that's a good point. an analysis of the -- an imperfect vessel as you said could be the one that delivers
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america back to them. recapture understanding of how a lot of americans see their fate? >> you have to invest resources and you have to -- invest resources, not just to report from as an outsider's point of view but those who believe this crazy thing that 90% of americans believe and that's the existence of god. i'm not saying that their reporter does not. i'm saying it's a different thing. also to have opinions of people writing opinions in "the new york times" who might be those crazy midwesterners, the flyover states who believe that god is real and is providential in our lives. >> there's other people who believe climate change is real and now the catholic church is getting involved in the climate change controversy. new guidelines issued to priests saying they should be promoters of everything to the care of everything in creation. they have to promote climate change, talk clamt change?
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>> breaking news. the vatican believes in taking care of creation. >> i might not agree with the pope or with another bishop or another priest or another catholic on the specifics of, for example, the science of global warming. i may or may yot. that's not the issue here. the issue is we have to recognize that if the earth is not being taken care of, it affects us human beings. especially it affects the poor. >> but this goes further. in it, he talks about climate change. i mean, do people want to go to mass and hear about climate change, what feels like a political subject? >> a good 45 minutes of my homily today. >> [ overlapping talking ]. >> why does it have to be political? why? we all live here? why does it turn political? >> if science tells us that climate change is affecting
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people's lives, i'm not a scientists, i don't know how it is or isn't, but if it is and if it's especially affecting the poor, of course people of religion and all of us should be speaking out against what is causing it. that's a whole another question, what is causing it. whether it's earthquakes or using aerosol bottles, i'm not exactly sure. >> pollution from china. >> we have to take care of creation. >> it's bad over there. pollution. >> exactly. >> father jonathan morris. >> absolutely. happy sunday. he's fresh off his exclusive interview with president-elect trump. we're going to talk to chris wallace. incoming chief of staff, reince priebus will be here along with bill o'reilly. like it or not, the first winter storm is here. that means it's time to shovel. we've also got great gear to help you get through it all. we'll show you the latest bells and whistles when we get back. >> fresh snow.
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at planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. [cricket sound] richard. didn't think you were going to make it. hey sorry about last weekend, i don't know what got into me. well forgive and forget... kind of. i don't think so! do you like nuts? spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out.
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try super poligrip free.
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welcome. this morning we're gearing up for winter with our very own winter wonderland on the plaza. >> we have tools and tips to get you through the first big storm of the season. >> joining us is the snow this season, must have spokesperson don aldier. thanks for joining us. bringing the snow right to our plaza. >> no problem. >> big boys here. >> this is a troy bilt storm, it's two cycles, two stages. clean about a foot of snow. has a vortex in the front.
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>> so this one looks like more of a beast. i'm from minnesota. >> your kids won't be able to use this one. >> up to 18 inches of snow. >> what about electric start? >> both have electric start and and this one is battery operated. >> this is for me. gentle push. >> man hat tan. >> battery operated? >> 10 inches of snow. very easy to start up and light weight -- >> i like their stuff, they make good lithium batteries and weed whackers, they do a good job. >> exactly. >> we have the 18-inch. >> look at this thing. >> is this really a shovel? >> this is old school, big bad boys. they say back saver. does it save your back? >> it does. this is $34.98. >> have you ever shoveled a day
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in your life? >> i'm from utah, of course i have. usually make my brothers and my dad. >> like my sister, staying inside. >> making hot chocolate. >> what about the -- >> this is pet friendly -- >> pet friendly, that's great. >> and great to use around the house. >> will it ruin my lawn though? sometimes it's ruins my lawn. >> not this one. >> how much do you want to spread of this stuff? >> as much as you want. you go for it. >> it's an important question. and that's a good answer, never too much. >> will it refreeze or melt down. >> melt right through. >> we'll be back in an hour to see what happens. big boys down here, what i'm talking about. >> oh, yeah. >> oh, we're going to see those coming up a little later. >> so excited about this. >> these are next hour.
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thank you very much. >> take care. >> all right, i don't know -- quite how to keep going on this. i don't know how we convinced bill o'reilly to wake up early on a sunday morning but he joins us live next. >> tis the season for awkward christmas photos. yours have been pouring in. we'll look at those in the next hour. ♪
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my business was built with passion... but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. with it, i earn unlimited 2% cash back on all of my purchasing. and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... which adds fuel to my bottom line. what's in your wallet? family road trip! fun! check engine. not fun! but, you've got hum. that's like driving with this guy. all you do is press this, and in plain english, "coolant", you'll know what's wrong. if you do need a mechanic, just press this. "thank you for calling hum." and if you really need help, help can find you, automatically, 24/7. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car
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smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. good morning, it is sunday, december 11th, 2016. i am abby huntsman. the president-elect close to making his most anticipated cabinet post yet, the ceo of exxon-mobil emerging as the top choice for secretary of state.
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>> he's much more than a business executive. he's a world class player. >> this hour, chris wallace with more on his exclusive interview with donald trump and bill o'reilly will join us on what he thinks in a few moments. >> teen vogue, usually appeals to young girls and it features fashion and makeup tips, now getting a little political. the magazine is going after president-elect trump. they say he's gas lighting america. and it was 14 seasons in the making but the army black knights finally did it last night. >> down driven by three. touchdown army! >> putting the army ahead 21-14, victory formation, took a knee and took the victory as the cadets stormed the fields and it
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took 15 years but it was sweet. >> what a game. >> this morning sweet with you all. good morning, better with friends. >> happy sunday, everyone. >> a cold, cold sunday and we have the big snowstorm. congratulations to army. >> i'm going to rub it in. i love everyone in the navy and elsewhere. >> after 14 years -- >> we get to rub it in. >> we have reince priebus coming up and bill o'reilly joining us shortly and chris wallace in moments. plus we have headlines. >> a terror attack targeting police officers in turkey, two coordinated explosions outside of a soccer stadium. ♪
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>> now 38 people are dead, 30 of whom are officers, the first was a car bomb detonated with a remote control then just seconds later a homicide bomber detonating a vest in a nearby park. 155 people are injured, more than a dozen are injured critically and so far turkish officials are blaming kurdish militants for that attack. democrats lose again, the gop maintaining a 52-48 edge in the senate after louisiana voters choose republican state treasurer john kennedy to fill the state's open u.s. senate seat. kennedy defeating commissioner foster campbell in saturday's runoff election, the last contest before president-elect trump takes office. this is what pete is all excited about. 14 years of frustration has come to an end. army finally beating navy, army storming the field as you can see there after a second half comeback win in the 117th matchup between the academies.
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the black knights, 21-17. president-elect donald trump attending game but coming under fire for these comments. >> i mean, i don't know if it's necessarily the best football but it's very good but boy do they have spirit, more than anybody. it's beautiful. >> you know what he was trying to say. fans were lashing out on twitter, saying, two bowl teams one nationally ranked, clueless. isn't the best football, finally said something everyone can agree with. >> he's being honest -- >> of course it's not but if you like triple option run football then you enjoy this game but it's not -- >> what he kept saying there's no better passion than this game. >> we love the game for what it is. >> let's bring in bill o'reilly, joining us this morning here. do you want to weigh in on the football game at all, bill? >> it was a good game. trump is saying it's not alabama versus ohio state, exactly.
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these morons who have twitter, this is -- you know, this is a game changer for civilization. now every stupid person has a mega phone. it used to be dumb people were in the back of the classroom now they are in the front. we have to just bear it but everybody knew what he was talking about. >> speaking of twitter, bill, everyone is talking about the secretary of state, not officially announced but very likely picked to be exxon's rex tillerson, emerging as the front-runner of this job and john bolton as deputy. what are your initial thoughts when this was announced yesterday? >> i don't know tillerson. to me it's a putin play, he's a pal of putin. it looks like the strategy of the trump administration is if they can neutralize putin, getting him to be a little pro-american, then that will help in iran because putin has got a lot of power in tehran. and so they are going to try to
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win him over and make him an ally rather than an enemy. and i think that's what the tillerson thing is. >> is that his achilles' heel, you heard john mcce want to give him the benefit of the doubt. trump and his pick however confirmation could be tough and depending how closely he is tied to vladimir putin, is that going to be a problem for him? >> i don't think so. mccain is anti-trump. i like senator mccain and respect him but i don't think he looks at these things objectively. to me if he nominates tillerson he'll get trump. >> do you think mitt romney was ever actually considered by president-elect trump? what do you think was going on behind the scenes and what is romney thinking this morning? >> i don't understand the romney play. you know, i get to talk to some people off the record.
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they call me on both parties and i'm respectful and if they say it's off the record, it's off the record so i don't ever say anything about it but i could never really define why romney was there. i don't know, i have to say -- >> isn't it obvious though, to me it seems obvious, i've been saying this for weeks, i feel like it was a public shaming. it was he went after him viciously and we're going to drag him through this process and come to the tower and -- >> kiss my ring. >> and at the end of the day it was never serious. do you think that's true? >> maybe it was an ego play, but i think it's unfair to assign that motivation to trump without any data. i mean, you might be right but it's speculation. >> bill, you mentioned rex tillerson's ties to vladimir putin business dealings one who has never tied is john bolton, now rumored to be the potential
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deputy with rex tillerson. what would that tell you about the pairing with what they are hoping to do at the state department? >> if bolton is the top assistant, that says bolton is in there for quality control, so-called control control. tillerson is not a diplomat, a businessman. so that eyes and ears would be bolton and bolton would report back to the president. not a spy but kind of a counter and a check on tillerson because of his inexperience. >> we've gotten a better sense of who he's putting in some of these top positions and beginning to fill up, bill. what does that tell you about the direction he's wanting to take this country and how he's going to be as our next commander in chief? >> it's a hawkish direction. you have to understand that the reason that the obama administration got so much trouble abroad is that -- that crew basically said we want it
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off the world stage, we want out and retreated. and isis filled the gap and putin took advantage and iran took advantage of the retreat. so it was a retreat. so now the trump people say, we're not going to retreat, we're going to retrench and bring in the tough guy generals if anybody messes with us, they have to pay a price. that -- there was no price to pay by defying barack obama, there will be a place by defying president trump. >> you've seen cabinets formed under previous administrations, how would you characterize this one so far in historical precedent? stronger team of rivals. how does this one leave up to previous republicans or presidents at large? >> again, it's speculative, you can't really say how effective the cabinet is going to be until you see how effective donald trump is going to be.
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trump gets in and then it's going to be -- i know trump enough to tell the american people that he's going to have an opinion. and his opinion is going to override that of the adviser's. it just depends on how trump is going to handle himself because everybody else is going to be taking orders from him. it's not like these guys have unilateral power. they don't. they are going to be told what to do. as far as execution is concerned, they all seem to be very confident and successful in how they handle their careers. but it's about donald trump and what he decides to do. >> well, tonight on the fox news channel, legend and lies returns, we have a little sneak preview here. we'll play a clip and get you to tell us what we can expect.
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>> i heard looking for men. >> are you going to volunteer? >> major barton, i heard you were looking for volunteers. >> "legends and lies" the patriots. >> tell us what this is about. >> basically african-americans freed and those slaves who escaped, lining up to help the colonists defeat the british. the story has not been told -- you never learn about it in school, i don't know why. it's a great, great -- of the
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american revolution. we have two others in the christmas season because the whole war turned in the christmas season with washington crossing the delaware and it's a tremendous arc. we had a great success with it in the summer so we held three episodes back to run in christmas because christmas themed and i think everybody will enjoy it. it's a good history series. >> tonight at 8:00 p.m. on the fox news channel. >> you have valley forge in there, famous -- >> yep. >> love that. >> bill, thanks for getting up so early. did you get up extra early for us? >> you know, i never sleep. i'm always keeping an eye on everybody. >> we love that. >> bill o'reilly, thanks for being with us. >> thanks, bill. >> see everybody on monday. >> merry christmas. >> bye. >> fresh off his exclusive interview with the president-elect trump, chris
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wallace joins us live next. >> just when you thought the recount drama was over, oh, no, jill stein says not so fast. >> tis the season for those awkward photos with santa, your pictures have been pouring in. we'll share in of them in a few moments. ♪ liberty mutual stood with me when i was too busy with the kids to get a repair estimate. i just snapped a photo and got an estimate in 24 hours. my insurance company definitely doesn't have that... you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™ liberty mutual insurance
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what makesheart healthysalad the becalifornia walnuts.r? the best simple veggie dish ever? heart healthy california walnuts. the best simple dinner ever? heart healthy california walnuts. great tasting, heart healthy california walnuts. so simple. get the recipes at why does az business executive make sense as the chief diplomat. >> he's a world class player. he knows many of the players and
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knows them well. he does massive deals in russia and for the company, not for him but for the company. >> that is the president-elect explaining why rex tillerson may be our next secretary of state. >> the man who landed that exclusive interview, chris wallace, the host of the "fox news sunday". >> great to see you guys. it was quite a day yesterday, we went to the trump tower and sat down for an exclusive interview with mr. trump and then went on a road trip, went on the presidential motorcade to the streets of new york to trump force one, kind of a treat. to the army/navy game. i got to tell you, he was being received there as the commander in chief. so i think you'll see at the top of the hour a really extraordinary and unique look at the man who's going to be our president in the next six weeks. >> what else came in that interview? we've only been playing that brief part about rex tillerson.
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what else came out of it that stuck out to you? >> i'll give you the subjects but i won't give you the answers because you have to watch the show. we begin with the real controversy over this report that the cia concluded that russia was not just trying to destabilize the election and undermine confidence in this but actively working to elect donald trump president. he's not very happy about that and doesn't believe it. you'll have to see what he has to say in the show. we talked about cabinet picks. we talked about his agenda, the phone call with the taiwanese, the idea of a president calling up corporate executives and saying, this is how you should run your business. he also even though he's going to hold a news conference on thursday, he really gives an insight into as to what he's going to do on this question of separating himself from the trump businesses. >> i'm curious, in this interview you didn't think you were going to be flying on his airplane in the afternoon, you thought you were going for this one interview and then it spills into a whole day. and you said that this really
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gave you insight into the trump transition team right now. what was that like? >> i have to tell you, we did know we were going to do the whole deal -- >> you did? >> yes, we did know that but it was great. i have to say because a lot of these people -- i don't know about you guys but i've been having trouble getting on the phone. when i got on the trump force one, there was reince priebus, steve bannon, michael flynn, national security adviser and rudy giuliani just taken himself out of contention and got to spend a little time with all of them. one of the interesting things and i don't know if this was show or legitimate, but here's trump at all of these reports about rex tillerson being his choice for secretary of state, he was polling members of his kitchen cabinet, of his top -- white house staff about who do you think should be secretary of state? maybe he's decided but i have the sense this until the hammer
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comes down, things are still up for grabs. >> chris, you got the sense he feels -- some have commented he almost is becoming the commander in chief before he is. do you get the sense he's owning that title now? >> absolutely -- not the title but the job. there's no question in my mind about that. and that was one of the things that was most striking to me. he doesn't seem at all overwhelmed by the job or the responsibilities. he seemed utterly comfortable with not just the trappings but the substance of power and decisions he'll have to make. just going to the army/navy game, thousands of midshipmen and cadets here. he may have to send them into battle at some point, we certainly hope not but it's possible. while not comfortable with that he understands the responsibility and accepts it. >> fascinating interview, we'll be watching "fox news sunday" with chris wallace's exclusive interview with the president-elect. >> good timing on that one. >> 9:00 a.m. eastern time. check your local listings for
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that. >> thanks, guys. >> he did mention reince priebus, what does he think of rex tillerson, the incoming chief of staff joining us in 15 minutes. >> promising to roll back regulations to help small businesses boom. we'll have a panel of business owners here next to discuss the changes they would like to see. good morning. yeah, so mom's got this cold. hashtag "stuffy nose." hashtag "no sleep." i got it. hashtag "mouthbreather." yep. we've got a mouthbreather. well, just put on a breathe right strip and ... pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more than cold medicine alone. so you can breathe ... and sleep. shut your mouth and say goodnight mouthbreathers.
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breathe right. mcould be great on the outside,k ofnot so great on the inside. her advice? strengthen both. go pro with crest pro-health advanced. it's uniquely formulated to strengthen teeth inside... ...and is better at strengthening the outside... ...than colgate total. my check-up was great. my hygienist told me to try... ...a mouthwash. so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest pro-health mouthwash.
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checkup? nailed it. wiskin and nails you'll enjoy lustrous hair, vibrant skin, and healthy nails... so no matter what happens,... you'll still feel beautiful. nature's bounty hair, skin and nails. better off healthy.
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generosity is its oyou can handle being a mom for half an hour. i'm in all the way. is that understood? i don't know what she's up to, but it's not good. can't the world be my noodles and butter? get your mind out of the gutter. mornings are for coffee and contemplation. that was a really profound observation. you got a mean case of the detox blues. don't start a war you know you're going to lose. finally you can now find all of netflix in the same place as all your other entertainment. on xfinity x1. welcome back. quick headlines for you, as president-elect donald trump threatens to cancel an order for air force one, boeing who makes
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that would rather take its business to terror hot bed iran, $16.8 billion deal for 80 passenger planes with iran air. the deal made possible by president obama's highly controversial nuclear agreement with that country. and here's what a socialist christmas looks like. citizens in venezuela can't afford the high toy prices so the government is forced to intervene. officials seizing 4 million toys from the country's largest toy company, taking them from the toy company to hand them out to the children. those same families wanted to buy the toys but couldn't, paying $170 for just one hamburger. that is not the dollar menu. >> president-elect trump pledging to tackle tough business regulations. >> on regulations, we're going to eliminate wasteful job killing regulations that undermine the ability of our workers and our companies to compete with the rest of the
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world. >> but is this a big thing for small companies? and what changes are america's business owners hoping for? let's ask our panel this morning, certified financial player and founder of jfl total wealth management and president and ceo of dover group. thanks for being here this morning. >> thank you. >> tell us what you do and what you hope these new policies, how they will impact you. what do you do? >> i'm a certified financial planner and have a wealth management firm in new jersey we work with individuals and business owners and incorporate time and accounts and things like that. i think a lot of what we're seeing, business owners have been very concerned. they want to focus on business, don't want the details associated with keeping the government happy. if you free up their time, we get more production. >> one of the things that he
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continues to talk about is lowering income tax on businesses down to 15%. tell us what you do. >> i'm a financial analyst and research analyst, i do research for hedge funds. but most importantly i'm a woman business owner and so when i saw that mcma hon would be head of small business administration, that sent off amazing signals. she's a woman who had a small business in connecticut and multibillion dollar business that it is, very pro-women. very much about putting the sba in a basically joining us in 2016, making it a more sen trick company. you want to be a small business that's a part of that whole -- part of that whole wave going on. >> what's your story? >> i started a small business into a larger business -- >> american dream, right? >> american dream.
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it was all because of the way the government operates. when obama took over he killed us. i'm happy to see trump is aligning himself with real business people, not just people who are lifelong politicians with a business back ground. no such thing. the people he's bringing in now will be strong and very helpful, rolling back regulations and helping you grow and give you further opportunity that will help give people more jobs. it's the right way to do it. >> business optimism has gone up -- >> a million percent. >> i was in iowa two days ago where he was -- part of the thank you tour. my presidency is going to be very simple, going to be about two things, buy american, hire american. jerry, how does that impact you? how do you think about that? >> well, one of the biggest issues is the cost of doing business in the united states has been substantially higher than what it is in other parts of the world. take example medical. if i hire a person right now and put them on a family plan for medical, it cost me between 2,000 and $2500 a month to have them on a medical plan.
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if they are making 30,000 or 40,000, it almost cost as much for the medical plan as it does to hire them as an employee. if the cost of business goes down, i can hire more people and do things to help people in the community. that's what any business owner wants to do. >> essentially what he's saying, let's let small businesses do what they do best. you mentioned obama care and i can't tell you when i'm talking to voters, small business owners how difficult it is for them to do business. >> i gave them this health plan, had nothing to do with it. >> you get the blame. >> and government agencies, they are not subject to obama care, they have a great plan. we're subject to it and stuck with it. now hopefully trump will open the door to -- >> in terms of loans as well. trump said he wants to deregulate a lot in terms of dodd/frank. while there will be a lot of heavy lifting in order to completely unravel that, there needs to be a better system in place so that small business owners have access to capital.
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as we all know, as small business owners you need the capital in order to grow or even at least establish a foundation. >> no choice for that. mcmahon is a marketing expert, the whole family. the wrestling corporation, they understand business and grew a business. >> so a small, small -- tiny company in connecticut is what it is now. i was on the road show when i worked the bear stearns, pretty amazing company. >> they'll deal with it day in and day out gives the sense he's taking it seriously. >> very pro-women too. >> you know how important that is and -- >> it is very important. >> to have someone on your side like that, that is a really big deal. >> thanks for being here and waking up so early for us. >> thank you. >> what does reince priebus think of exxon ceo rex tillerson as the next top dib plo mat? and some people don't like the
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food and restaurants but one company complained about christmas music. wait until you see the note they left for that chef. start your dr one choice of dentists. philips sonicare removes significantly more plaque versus oral-b 7000. experience this amazing feel of clean. innovation and you. philips sonicare. save now when you buy philips sonicare.
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it is the season of giving and our friends at bake me a wish are kicking off the holiday tradition, operation gratitude and they are live outside in the plaza this morning. every purchase you make at bake me a from now until christmas day, well, the company will do nature one of the large cup cakes from the famous crumb's bake shop and somebody without family members there, they bring them the cakes and cup cakes. >> who doesn't want a jummy cup cake. >> been doing this for ten years. >> hundreds of patriotic cupcakes to military hospitals, increasing community awareness
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of centers and bake me a >> you didn't tell me they had dark chocolate out there. >> you didn't offer me the chocolate. >> carrot cake, i order one every year. >> the carrot cake. >> i'm eating it like a child. and this is so great though. >> bake me a i love this. >> you'll have to hold this. does that work? we have headlines to get to this morning. we start with this, former democratic senator kay hagen is in intensive care this morning after suddenly falling ill. her family saying she was rushed to the hospital but did not have a heart attack. her condition is still unclear. the 63-year-old was elected to the senate back in 2008, serving one term as the north carolina's senator. hoping best for you. >> jill stein is calling michigan's handling of the november presidential election a hot mess, despite the fact she only won 1% of the vote. the green party candidate speaking a day after the supreme
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court denied her recount appeal. about 50 people showed up to hear her speak. for most people, christmas music puts them in the holiday spirit but a crab by customer annoyed over the christmas music. you cannot make this up. christmas music was offensive, consider playing holiday music or less religious themed. >> or consider a different restaurant. >> the owner so outraged even decided to post it on facebook. >> it's a tradition, not about religion or anything else, i'm a christian but i don't push that as my agenda. i don't know, trend in society or what, to us it's scary. >> he did not take to social media to complain but to protect his -- >> christmas is all about joy, peace and love unless you don't want to sit on santa's lap. we asked you to send in your hilarious photos and send us this picture of two of his
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grandchildren said that was hysteric hysterical. >> the other reacting to the other kid. >> a picture of carolina and nia, and sending this picture of triplets camden and hayden and -- >> here's mildred with her two beautiful daughters. >> when you get to the age of 5 or 6 you love that moment and appreciate it. the 2-year-old -- >> they are always scared. >> the 1-year-old is kind of clueless. kind of yanks on the beard. >> or toddler, plop them there, like a positive pat toe sack and they are fine. when they hit the 2-year-old, they freak out and 3 they are fine. >> santa is -- to 2-year-olds, why did you place me in this man's lap? >> send us your photos. >> they are so good. >> keep sending them in all
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morning. what does reince priebus think of rex tillerson as the next top diplom diplomat. >> teen vogue, a magazine that usually appeals to young girls and me, features fashion and makeup tips for teens is now getting political going after president-elect trump. ♪
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welcome back, quick headlines for you, dear bob dillon this is what happens when you don't accept your own noble
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prize award. ♪ >> sorry. heard -- saw a -- sorry. >> patty smith, the great patty smith performing dylan's hard rains are going to fall but forgets the lyrics, she was at the ceremony on his behalf. >> and speaking of president-elect trump, publishing a scathing op-ed, accusing him of gas lighting america. to gas light is to psych logally manipulate a person to the point they question their own sanity. >> interesting. we're now joined by the incoming white house chief of staff reince priebus, how are you? >> doing great, everyone.
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good morning. >> good morning. >> if you're watching another network, you're seeing the hysterics around suggestions that russian manipulation is ram pant in our election process, "washington post" over the weekend posting a story that said that the -- that this process throughout has been manipulated, potentially by russia and that they did it to benefit donald trump that ultimately there's a relationship there or direct connection, something that the trump campaign should own up to. what do you say to these reports, that are -- are they trying to delegitimize a trump presidency and do they have evidence to prove that russia sided with this campaign? >> i can tell you one thing, russia didn't tell hillary to ignore wisconsin and michigan and half of the midwest. it's based on a fundamental fact that the report says that the -- because the dnc e-mails were
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used therefore it must be conclusive that the -- whoever did the hacking was purposely trying to help donald trump. the rnc wasn't hacked. the fbi had come into the rnc when this happened and reviewed all of the system and hacking detection systems in place and the conclusion we were not hacked. when this thing broke the other day, we went back to the source at the fbi and again were told that no, you were not hacked and so -- >> there are stories out there that are saying that you were in fact -- we had sean spicer on saying the same thing you're saying, the rnc was not hacked. where are those sources coming from when people are reading that the rnc was hacked? why is it there a disconnect there? >> that's a good question. it's amazing the story was run
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with based on the fact it was all unnamed sources and the second part of the article said that the actual source that they had was not conclusive. so they ran with an inconclusive unnamed source that the rnc was hacked when it wasn't hacked, which is all part of this -- i would imagine this media play that somehow a 306 electoral vote landslide is not legitimate. and you know, it's an amazing thing. when you look back a month ago, the media was in freak outmode because donald trump -- the election went before he conceded in the second debate that he -- if you lose the election, mr. trump, are you going to concede to hillary clinton? he said i'm not prepared to concede. everyone went bananas and now he won fairly easily. and everyone is now trying to take the victory away. i think it's insanity.
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>> we want to give you the opportunity to make the announcement right here if you'd like for secretary of state. will it be rex tillerson? >> we're not -- we're not making any announcements today. he's got -- the president-elect has incredible choices in front of them. >> sounds like he's very, very close? >> i think it's getting close, sure but our job is to present the choices, make sure there's intelligent options in front of them and ultimately it's his decision. when he finally pulls the trigger we'll put out an announcement. >> are there other -- it could be a top confirmation prize, not to get ahead of ourselves, but would there be any concerns about confirmation in light of some of his business connections with russia which some have criticized but others have said would be an's set. do you have any concerns about confirmation? >> i don't very any concerns. first of all, let's play the hypothetical even though it's not -- no announcement is
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coming. here's a guy who has built a gem of a company, one of the biggest companies in the world who has relationships across the world and has to have relationships across the world in order to be successful. we have huge problems in this world and i think this idea that somehow we're going to solve these problems by ignoring people and not communicating people, have no decent relationships with people that yes, we have strategic issues to deal with, is somehow a bad thing. i think it's a good thing. here's a guy -- if you look at his tenure on the boy scouts and philanthropy and things he's done across the world and deals he's struck, it's exactly the kind of person that would probably make a great secretary of state but again -- >> we're not making that announcement, the idea that somehow this guy is not a good pick is insane. >> i want you on the record on this then, which is mitt romney, obviously the news reports over
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the last few hours and few days around rex tillerson seem to be pointing in that direction. has the president-elect spoken to mitt romney in the last 24 hours -- >> 'is he out of running? >> i don't know about the 24 hours but i think maybe the last 48 hours he has and he communicates with all of these candidates quite regularly. so you guys will have to wait at the edge of your seat to find out but i think they are all very good choices. >> and then john bolton as well, been talked about as the number two at the state department, someone that could round out someone like a rex tillerson. how real is that? >> we had a great meeting with ambassador bolton and that was middle of last week and it was viewed very strong for either the number one or the deputy secretary spot. it's yet to be seen. but at least what you should take from this is that president-elect trump is talking
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to a vast array of people and i can assure everyone that it's all about putting america first and making sure the right set of people are in the right cabinet positions in order to make sure that america is first across the world and that every american watching this knows that their life and their future is what he has in their mind. >> mr. chairman, last night the president-elect attended the army navy game to huge ovations and cheers of folks there. first president-elect to do so and some had said he's stepping into comfortably the commander in chief -- >> chris wallace said that. >> you were there with him as well, a bunch of others from his newly formed team. what's your sense of how he's owning that role and stepping in as commander in chief at the army/navy game? >> it's just incredible. immediately on election night or election morning i guess it is, i think that responsibility and that weight of being president really hit president-elect
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trump. and i thnk ever since then he's been on this mission to assure every american that no matter who you are or where you come from, what your race, gender, background, he's for you. and at the army/navy game it was incredible, military folks just -- it's like they were just in love with him. and he was in love with them. and there's one instance i'll tell you that was just who donald trump is. some folks put a napkin outside of their suite and it said we love trump and just a pen, a napkin and put them in front of two suites and he said hang on guys, opened the door and walked in and said, guy, i hope you're having a great time. it just erupted and he did that another suite as well. so this is who he is. and i think that for people who don't know him, they are going to get to know him and if you saw the cbs commentary before
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the third quarter, he is an credible knack of connecting with people. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> we'll be right back. i accept i'm not the hiker i was. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but no matter what path i take, i go for my best. so if there's something better than warfarin, i'll go for that too. eliquis. eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis had both. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily... and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk
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starting to feel like christmas. fog your screen up on the plaza this morning. >> here with the best known toys and season editor of chief of toy insider, jackie. >> hi, let's start with these great snow moto -- >> look at that. >> having fun? >> they go super fast and they
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help you glide down the mountain. >> this is what i bought my son last year -- >> yeah. >> it's got brakes -- it even has a tow rope to bring it back up with you. it's great and so much fun. >> what about the sled? zpl we have the air thundersnow boogie. >> have you tried to snow boogie? >> we don't have a big enough hill today but it's slick on bottom so kids can slide down the hill. and these are the snow speedsters, we have our favorite characters -- >> we've got a disney one. >> they are comfortable ride. >> nice. okay, what's next? >> join us on the kidty zoom action cam, he can capture the action from a first person perspective. it's durable and tough -- >> when he smashes into his friends later he can replay it for mom and dad?
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>> or for your epic snow ball fight, get all of the action on there. it's in a water proof case. >> what do you have down there? >> we're trying to make a snowman. >> with these colors, make that the snow buddy down there and you can make a snow princess, it comes -- >> snow princess. i see a gift for -- >> what about fighting? >> let me show you one thing. what if it's not snowing and you want to play with snow? >> i don't know, you want to have a snow ball fight and it's not snow, we have a snowball battle pack, you pour of powder packet in here, enough to make 16 snowballs. you mix it up and this is going to turn into snowballs. >> we'll give it a few minutes and all see. >> turns into a legit snowballs. >> eco-friendly -- >> catapult.
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put it in there. >> got it. >> there you go. >> camera man. >> boom. that's the snow fling. >> snow fling. super easy to use. i almost hit him. >> almost there. i can't reach it. if you have alligator arms, you avoid picking up the check. what? it's what you do. i got this. thanks, dennis! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. growwwlph. it's what you do. oh that is good crispy duck.
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this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know.
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so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. good morning, the president-elect close to making his most anticipated cabinet pick, the ceo of exxon-mobil emerging as the top choice for secretary of state. >> his case he's much more than a business executive. he's a world class player. >> democrats are already planning their attack, pinning rex tillerson as an agent of vladimir putin. >> are you about to head out to sunday mass? picture this, instead of preaching about god, your priest talks about climate change. the new guidelines just issued by the catholic church. >> and my favorite time of year,
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tis the season for pictures like this, the awkward family christmas photo with santa. you have been sending in great pics, i want the more awkward the better. we're going to spread holiday cheer this morning. "fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ >> hasn't really snowed in new york city, out on our plaza, there's a little area where it snowed last night. the magic of television. now kids are here playing. >> snow ball slingshot was pretty awesome. it was, i couldn't pay attention to anything else. >> bells and whistles on fun toys and atvs.
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>> awesome snowmobile we'll get to later. >> i'm truly in the christmas spirit. >> you're very festive. >> i am very festive. >> and keep sending us your photos, these are hilarious. >> e-mail them to us. >> we know you have them. send them in this morning. starting with a fox news alert and terror attack targeting police officers in turkey. two coordinated explosions just outside a soccer stadium. >> so scary. 38 people are dead, 30 of whom are officers. officials say the first was a car bomb detonated with a remote control and seconds later a homicide bomber detonating a vest in a nearby park. 155 people are now injured, more
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than a dozen are injured critically. so far turkish officials blaming kurdish militants for that attack. a vicious attack on christians during sunday mass. at least 25 people are now dead, 35 more hurt when an explosion rocks a christian church in egypt. it's unclear how that bomb got inside the church. so far no one has claimed possibility and christians are the minority in the mostly islamic country. and there's this, the democrats lose again, the gop maintaining a 52-48 edge in the senate after louisiana voters choose republican state tresher john kennedy to fill the open senate seat. defeating public service commissioner foster campbell in saturday's runoff election. this is the last contest before president-elect trump takes office. to weather now, there's heavy snow and frigid temperatures impacting millions from coast to coast. the winter storm canceling nearly 1,000 flights in chicago
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with temperatures falling to below zero degrees. and drivers in the midwest spinning out on easy icy roads getting stranded. this massive accident where 40 people piled up, shutting down interstate 75. luckily no one was seriously injured and in buffalo, new york, they are digging out of more than 2 feet of snow with more expected through tomorrow. it's cold outside. >> things are heating up on the cabinet -- >> nice segue. >> see that. moving and shaking, just like the trump transition team is doing right now. looking at the secretary of state position, all eyes on that position and may get an announcement as early as tomorrow or tuesday. could it be rex tillerson. that seems to be the main front-runner. arguably the largest company in the world. >> that's about all that many people know about him because he hasn't been in politics at all during his life. he's worked at exxon his entire life, working his way up the
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ladder. >> started as an engineer a couple of decades ago and been involved with boy scouts of america. part of what trump has said he likes about him are his international connections and ability -- reached a deal with russia in the past over oil opportunities there and elsewhere. an outside the box kind of pick. it's been rumored that john bolton could be the deputy -- >> which could balance out that dynamic because as ceo he knows how to handle things on the world stage and work with other leaders of countries but john bolton understands the state department. he might know about certain parts of the world that ceo of exxon isn't as familiar with. >> trump said, look, he's a guy -- the company below his is not even half as strong as exxon. he has built a massive company, president-elect trump talking about rex tillerson and how huge this guy is. >> let me ask you about rex tillerson.
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>> okay. >> out of exxon-mobil. why does a business executive make sense as the chief diplomat? >> in his case he's much more than a business executive. he's a world class player. he's in charge of i guess the largest company in the world. he's in charge of an oil companies that has pretty much double the size of the next nearest competitor. it's been a company that's been unbelievably managed. and to me, a great advantage is he knows many of the players. and he knows them well. he does massive deals in russia and massive deals for the company, not for himself but the company. >> if you step back and look at this pick and others, he wants people at the top of their game, who have made the most money and shown a demonstrated record of success. >> not going through the playbook, going about this totally his own way. when he asked any of his advisers, only president-elect trump knows what's going on and what he's doing.
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it will come from him and how he feels in the meetings with people. >> he's not looking for losers to give him a shot, dust you off a little bit. he wants guys at the top of his game. we talked to them weekend, he looks like he could be in the second spot, the deputy at the state department. we asked governor mike huckabee about that selection earlier and here's what the governor had to say. >> brilliant choice because john not only knows where the bodies are buried but probably buried a few. my guess is knowing john, when he gets there, he'll bury quite a few more and may take the fog out foggy bottom. >> that's arkansas -- he thinks it's a good choice. >> buried a few too. >> he makes a great point in having ambassador john bolton who can help him navigate the state department. it is complicated. you have a lot of people working for you and clearly going in as a ceo who has a lot of assets.
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>> it's serious problem for any incoming administrator, having someone who can understand that is a important role. >> i'm sure he'll suggest, don't set up your own private e-mail server. >> might be high on the list. >> this discussion about russia and whether rex tillerson's association with vladimir putin as it relates to that and cia coming out in the report in "washington post" saying that russia hacked the dnc and rnc. we talked to sean spicer from the rnc and i asked him that question, can you say 100% you weren't hacked? absolutely not, we were not hacked 100%. the same thing reince priebus said the same thing. >> donald trump has spoken out about the cia report, anonymous sources reportedly a report that says this hacking occurred. this is what donald trump said about it yesterday, these are the same people, meaning the cia are the folks that leaked it that said saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. it's now time to move on and
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make america great again. >> you mentioned we had reince priebus on a few moments ago and asked him about this. he also denied it, like sean spicer, no, rnc was not hacked and put the blame on others in the media using this as an excuse to basically not accept the election results. here's what he said about that. >> it's amazing that this story was run with based on the fact it was all unnamed sources and the second part about this article said the actual -- the actual source that they had was not conclusive. so they ran with an inconclusive unnamed source that the rnc was hacked when the rnc wasn't hacked, which is all part of this -- i would imagine this media play that somehow a 306 electoral vote landslide is somehow not legitimate. inconclusive unnamed source, the fbi has come out and said there's no evidence of this necessarily.
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this feels like and looks like an effort to delegitimize donald trump. >> troubling from the intelligence community. the cia comes out and leaks the story. >> it's leaked unanimously, which is not a report. >> and the fbi shoots it down. the fbi shooting down a cia report. that's not healthy. >> what's the bottom line on all of it, maybe donald trump shouldn't be president. it's muddying the waters from democrats or others who want to delegitimatize him. >> then when it does happen, people are going to be riled up about it and not going to focus. >> and the fbi saying we're not going to prosecute this report. we'll see how it plays out. yesterday was a huge day, it was army versus navy. you went to -- >> baltimore -- 2001 was the last time army won so a lot of people think it's going to be another year that navy was going to win. but -- >> what was the -- >> they took a knee, victory formation and cadets, you see them storm the field. there was also a tank using to fire off every time they scored.
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the tank drove to the middle of the field. cadets and tank and it was bedlamb and a sense that finally when you break a 14-year streak. and soon to be commander in chief donald trump was there, got a huge reception, warm as it could be. >> they noticed him and then when the big screen went to him, the entire stadium erupted. it was a sense of we've got a commander in chief that believes in america and supports the war fighters. they are fighting on the field but they are fighting out for america once they take that -- >> it was emotional too for the army coach, after the game he was in tears. take a listen. >> coach, you've waited 15 long years for this moment. what emotions are swirling through you right now? >> just so proud of our team. i'm so happy for our kids. so happy for cadets, every soldier all around the world.
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jackson, chuck sles ben and long gray line. i was proud of this team the way they fought. what a second half. i couldn't be more proud. >> they did fight. >> what's so great about this game, regardless of who you're rooting for, you have chills watching because every man on that field they are heroes and self-less servants of this nature. >> it was great to see after army won, they went to shots of afghanistan -- >> what time was it? >> middle of the night watching the game going nuts. >> everyone shares in the joy of a game like that. >> you have pictures from behind the scenes. >> i was there -- >> you were some good company. >> that's governor rick perry, he himself a veteran of course, we have joe dunford marine corps, four star, amazing, k.t.
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mac far land, the good mayor of america, rudy giuliani and that's oliver north, who is a navy grad. i saw him cry for the first time. >> yesterday you did. >> i saw a tear because navy did lose. >> it evaporated. >> right, he doesn't cry. it was a fun day. >> coming up on the show, not even the official nominee for secretary of state but mainstream media already attacking rex tillerson as an agent of vladimir putin. will that line of attack hurt? here to debate that next. plus, talking about a wedding crasher wedding guest, sued the groom after they were hit with a drone of all things. this will have you talking all morning long. you'll want to stick around. ♪
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welcome back, the mainstream media labeling rex tillerson as a bill oil billionaire with ties to the kremlin. fox news contributor, former rnc spokes person, flores joins me now. >> good morning. >> is this an attempt by the left wing media to go after and delegitimize rex tillerson before we have the announcement? >> of course it is. we've seen this time and again. i worked for carly fiorina, who had done business worldwide, had worked with the cia and nsa, they wouldn't even cover her because they said there's no way we can have a president who hasn't been an elected office before. to some extent the media sick of
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being wrong so they keep turning their amp up to 11 to try to legitimize this idea that ift b whole life, you can't now. someone like rex tillerson, started as a product engineer and now ceo. he has done deals worldwide, not just flown thousands of miles like hillary clinton did and gave nice words, he actually had to close the deal and make it happen. >> charles, do you agree with her spine tap reference, turning this up to 11? this idea that it's a big problem, it's a big problem, his connections with vladimir putin. he received a friendship award from vladimir putin. a problem? >> well, without a doubt, donald trump as he wants to do is courting controversy by tapping somebody with such extensive ties to the russian government. but, you know, this was litigated in the campaign. he was accused of all of these
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accusations about these supposed ties to the kremlin throughout the campaign. and voters really didn't care. and they didn't -- it didn't hurt them in the end. so no, i don't think it is a problem. i think that going forward though, if -- another reason i don't think it's a problem, also because if you look back for the past eight years, you had a president rolled by the kremlin and vladimir putin. i don't see a donald trump administration getting rolled like that by anybody. if we did see something like that unfold, which i don't -- i see no evidence that that would happen, then you could wind up with a problem. as far as the appearance of it right now, i really d-- i think it's something the media is going to be obsessing about. >> i completely agree. let's not forget we have john kerry and hillary clinton, what the media has been so applauding hasn't been working for eight
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years. so of course donald trump will try something new, thank goodness, that's why the american people elected him. they want a change and rejected the foreign policy of the last administration. >> there's also the bolton connection now on reports that he would be the deputy, smart move? >> i've met know john bolton, he would be a wise choice as someone who balances that political experience and diplomatic experience. again, i think we'll see what the administration does here but i think rex tillerson could be a strong choice. >> we have about ten seconds left. charlie and sara -- >> if anybody knows john bolton, they know that john bolton doesn't get rolled by anybody. >> with five seconds left, was mitt romney ever really in contention? >> i absolutely think he was. >> you think he was. charlie? >> i think he was, i think it was a tough choice but i think that there's no comparison between him and rex tillerson.
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great to see you this morning, thanks so much. >> coming up next, democratic response when former governor and presidential candidate bill richardson joins us live next. feel secure in your dentures... feel free to be yourself all day. just switch from denture paste to sea-bond denture adhesive seals. holds stronger than the leading paste all day... without the ooze. feel secure. be yourself. with stronger, clean sea-bond.
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25 minutes after the hour. it is a whole new kind of wedding crasher. a drone crashing right into guests on dance floor breaking the nose of one woman and gashing the head of another, that required 20 stitches and the groom was allegedly flying the drone himself and being sued by those guests. wow. and the view has gotten so bad, even barbara walters hates the show, according to the quts new york post as she thinks abc
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executives have ruined the show because of back stage bickering. she refused to show up for a reunion show, referring to the show as uninformed child actors. >> president-elect trump is expected to announce his secretary of state pick very soon and it is expected reported to potentially be exxon ceo rex tillerson but will his ties to russia draw up fire from democrats? joining us now is former new mexico governor, bill richardson. thanks for joining us this morning. it looks like the pick will be rex i wi tillerson. what is the response from the democratic side of the aisle to that pick? >> i think it's also going to include senator mccain and senator graham republicans. i believe it would be a very bad choice. here's the reason -- by the way
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i think giuliani, romney, senator corker, would have been very sensible choices. i just think the ties to russia that rex tillerson has, not just through exxon-mobil, the deals he's made but the fact he's come out against sanctions, towards russia in crimea on ukraine, it's too cozy a relationship at a time when the cia, our inintelligence agency, we spent $70 billion a year telling us that the russians interfered in the election to the support of the republicans. now, trump would have won anyway, i'm not disputing that. but that's really a major concern that cozy relationship with putin and russia. >> governor, we've got a bit of a delay, we'll work through it, no problem. what is it about a business background? a guy who makes deals and has relationships with people around the globe, why is that a bad thing but political experience,
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john kerry, hillary clinton, that's sack crow sank? why would we not want someone with relationships so we can manipulate ordeal with the world that's very complicated? what's wrong with business relationships w s what's wrong that? >> commercial oil negotiations is different than diplomacy, when you're making commercial relationships with yemen and russia, around the world and yeah, he knows a lot of foreign leaders but it is not diplomacy or military issues. this is not sensitive peace keeping issues. there's a big difference. you want to have experience in that job, you want to have some kind of a knowledge of how working governments work internally, how the state department works. >> the same kind of experience that presumably -- >> i believe this is a problem. >> the same kind of experience
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presumably barack obama didn't have before he became president, you know, it's not as if his experience in particular space is absolutely what you need to have. but speaking of experience, bolton resumered to be deputy. would that -- someone who understands diplomacy and comes alongside this businessman who has relationships to do the things donald trump wants done on the world stage? >> well, john bolton is a little hard line for me. his positions. but he did have experience. he was at the u.n. as i was, u.n. ambassador. he knows the u.n. system. he knows the state department. that would be for me a positive. but that hasn't happened yet. my hope is that vice president elect mike pence, who knows the system will step in and say, this is not a good choice as secretary of state.
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that somehow he is the sensible guy out there. i don't know if this is going to happen. i have no inside information but i worry about this tillerson appointment. i don't know the guy. i hear he's a have good man but it's not the same commercial negotiations are not the same as sensitive diplomatic relations. and the optics also, the head of exxon-mob exxon-mobil, the biggest oil giant in the world running american diplomacy. i don't think that's az good optic. >> as if running an oil company is an evil thing as opposed to providing energy for people around the world to power the way they live their lives. if you look at the track record of john kerry and hillary clinton under this president, you look at the world we live in right now, it's not a peaceful place. it's been chaos and refugees around the globe. why should we not hand the keys to someone who has made deals and been a businessman and gotten things done as opposed to trying what we've done in the past, hand it over to a senator
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or someone who's been in washington and has a washington view? why is not an outside look, in look, a good thing for this country? >> well, i'm not condemning business relationships an outside look. i'm concerned of the biggest oil company in the world and these are deals that the world around has concern with. i mean, we want climate change. we want renewable energy. these are fossil fuel deals, okay, i'm not condemning. i'm saying that is not where the world is heading. what is going to be his position on climate change? is he going to try to get rid of the paris agreement, which was almost 180 countries? is he going to be against sanctions on russia? i mean, we have to sanction russia for their behavior in ukraine and crimea with nato across -- these personal ties, gotten all of these awards concern me. i've got to tell you, i would have been okay with romney,
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giuliani, who's respected abroad. senator corker, i hope this doesn't happen but it looks like it will. >> we'll have to leave it there. it's not clear that climate change is the future or that policy is the future as opposed to wanting america to be respected on the global stage. i appreciate your perspective this morning and for joining us on "fox & friends," thank you governor bill richardson. >> after a lot of pressure from the president-elect, boeing made a big deal overnight with one of the biggest -- one of our biggest enemies. details ahead.
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♪ >> it's beginning to look a little bit like christmas, especially on that portion of the "fox & friends" plaza. >> it is tv magic. all morning long, we've been showing you the best toys and tips and tools to get you geared up for the holidays, we're going to show you great skiing gear. >> we want to give a special thanks completing our winter wonder land this morning. >> so much fun. >> we wanted to get to this all morning long but waited until there. you don't know about this, but people have been e-mailing all morning long about your tie. they are saying it's too long.
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[ laughter ] i'm going to read one of the e-mails there, they've been flooded. the producer said we've got to move away. so many coming in. is this a new fashion trend started by trump, trying your tie -- tieing your tie too long? >> no, it was purelaziness, blake. here's how dumb i was this morning. i tied it morning and that's too long and i'll be sitting down, no one will notice. i forgot we're on in front of millions of people and did notice. almost touching the floor. >> now that i look it's really long. >> it's the longest tie. >> which means it's really long when you sit. >> tuck it in the belt. >> thanks for your e-mails we always want to know what you think about the fashion. >> he's out of here. >> all right, on a serious note we have other headlines to get to. there is some bickering between the fbi and the cia over claims
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russia is attacking the u.s. election. insisting vladimir putin helped mr. trump get elected. the fbi says it is not so sure and chief of the staff reince priebus reacting to that report earlier with us. >> the rnc wasn't hacked. the fbi had come into the rnc months ago when this all happened, reviewed all of our systems and we put hacking detention systems in place and the conclusion was we were not hacked. >> president obama ordering a full review of that hacking investigation before he leaves for office. >> and president-elect donald trump threatening to cancel an order for air force one. boeing would rather take its business to terror hot bed iran. inking a $16.8 billion deal for 80 passenger planes with iran air. the deal made possible by president obama's controversial nuclear agreement. then there's climate change now
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a permanent part of the catholic church? the pope releasing new guidelines forcing them to promote environmental issues. and father jonathan morris joins us earlier. >> if science tells us that climate change is affecting people's lives, if it is and if it's especially affecting the poor, of course people of religion and all of us should be speaking out against what is causing it. >> the new guidelines comes on the heels of a ruling by the academy of sciences that climate change is real and is caused by human activity. and christmas is all about joy and peace and love unless you don't want to sit on santa's lap. we asked you to send in hilarious photos with santa. this is cooper's first visit with santa. not too happy about that one. rowland sending this photo, of his two kids, crying, age 2 they can't stand it.
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brian sent this picture, of course age 2 daughter lauren and sending us a picture of this ray of sunshine named ray. here is pete's son boone. >> he's two in that picture and falling out of santa's lap -- like the back bend -- >> the arch, get out. >> santa get away from me. >> when they turn 3, all of a sudden it's okay. >> what? >> then they are kind of cool with it and smile when they are 4. >> love it. >> we've got clayton, we don't have rick here today but we have clayton who's been polishing up on weather skills and outside with college associate -- >> i have borrowed this coat. i have nikki here, who is an intern, this is your lastdy officially here on "fox & friends." >> yes. >> on your last day on "fox & friends," we like you have the
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weather or selection. and you selected weather and we thought it would be a perfect opportunity to cut your teeth out. are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> from miami. >> university of miami. >> tell us about the weather. >> yes, so it is -- >> it's cold, all around especially -- >> see where there's those numbers, read those numbers. >> it is 30 degrees in new york. 26 in cleveland. and 52 degrees in san antonio and 50 in dallas. 64 degrees in tampa. >> what's the lowest number on the screen? >> 5 -- no, 1, rapid city. >> you win today. all right, 64 in tampa. miami is probably about 70 degrees i would think. >> i know and i'm here missing out. >> how do you like working at "fox & friends"? >> i love it. it's been great. >> she's 'hard worker. you want to go back to school and graduate and become a producer and come back to us.
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>> hopefully come back here. >> it's been great having you. >> good job with the weather. >> thank you. >> totally a natural. i think you're trying to cover up your long tie with that graduate. >> thank you. >> it's cold out there. >> bring your jacket in too. good job. >> the left is trying to tie rex tillerson to vladimir putin. but what other world leaders does he have a connection with. >> maria bartiromo will discuss it with us next. >> come on in, maria. ♪ ♪
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bartiromo. >> i have my own order of friendship which i bestowed to you. >> the mainstream media this morning over the past two days really painting this picture of this pick as a potential big problem, ties to vladimir putin. this is going to be a really big problem for him. >> you actually know him and interviewed him a number of times. >> i have interviewed him a number of times for sure. this is an incredibly savvy pick. the head of the largest company in the world, oil company in the world has incredibly deep relationships across the world. exxon-mobil does business in 50 countries, yes, vladimir putin is probably one of the most important relationships that he has but he has got relationships across the world with the saudis and yemen, with anywhere basically where there is heavy oil rich field. and so he's had to do deals with hostile dictators and had to get permitting into countries to drill for oil. he's had to do negotiating and knows where the hot spots across
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the world are. >> coming from the military, but from a different perspective -- >> would putin want to mess with him? >> i don't think so. i don't think putin wants to be on the other side of this guy. i would think that the relationship or rap port he has in russia having ten deals in russia, i think it's actually a positive. of course the left will come up with all sorts of ideas why this is the wrong pick. i think it shows around incredible strategy. >> outside of russia, what other things does it bring to the table that would benefit america? >> oil is money. so he's had oil as his negotiating tool, as a way to get into the countries to drill for oil. i think when you look at the oil rich countries, that's a no brainer. we know exactly the relationships that he's had and why that would be helpful. but it's also dealing with governments across the world, knowing where the terrorism and hot spots are, would also be
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very positive. i think this is a very smart pick. >> where did he come from? because the media was left flat fo footed on this. we have mitt romney and rudy giuliani. >> he's not there? >> he's not there. >> this is rumor and speculation, apparently condoleezza rice has mentioned with him and spoken with trump about that and others. they just talked about exxon-mobil being an important company for donald trump to speak with to bring him in. i think initially the word was that they talked about him coming in and just talking to trump about his relationships and about how he sees the world but then the more they talked about it, they talked about, this actually could be great for the world. >> you have a big show coming up, including kel yan conway. >> i'll ask the question, where does rex tillerson's name come into this and then talk with
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kevin mccarthy onset. we know he wants tax reform done and get obamacare repealed and replaced, but we'll drill down on all of no and steve scalise, we'll talk about his plans to repeal and replace obamacare. >> starts in ten minutes here on fox news channel. don't change the channel. >> the first big snowstorm of the year is here, at least on our plaza. we have what you need before you hit the slope right after this break.
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i have snow in my mouth. and we're gearing up for the cold all morning with a winter wonderland on the plaza. >> and with vacation just around the corner for some, we're bringing the best gear and gadgets so you can hit the slopes and stay worm. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here.worm. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here.orm. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here.rm. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here.m. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here.. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here. warm. >> i love rei. we have great stuff here. >> you need your merino wool base layers and you have your down sweater, is this fantastic. an 800 fill jacket, it's amazing. it keeps you really warm. and then we have the beautiful alpha sv shell, super waterproof and just absolutely amazing. and blocks the wind, snow, water, ice.
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all the above. >> so this feels so warm. i love this. i might take it home with me. >> the marmot down parker is amazing. >> and what do we need on the slopes? >> we have everything from the sky 7s, which are new, great for back ride country. >> and they're thicker on the top? >> it keeps you right on top of the snow. everything for the >> what about helmets? i had a friend who was killed skiing and that's why you need the helmet. >> you absolutely do. safety is number one. >> and goggles just in case? >> yes, to keep the wind and snow out of your eye. and we have great ski boots and you need to also have the socks. socks will keep you warm and
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try. >> how much are these boots? >> these retail for $199. they're incredibly great. great traction, great for the skiing and the lodge. >> and what about snowboards? >> my favorite. we have the flying v which is amazing for that guy who wants the speed and tricks. it has the edges to make you have some fun. really carve out some nice powder. and then the asymmetrical shape allows for great speed. and this guy right here on the back i believe is $499.95. >> sounds like a good christmas gift this year. >> absolutely. >> what about some of the wool socks? >> merino wool everybody thinks it's scratchy, but not the case. incredibly soft, keeps you warm and dry. >> and i see the thin and thick gloves. >> if you need the touch compatible, the liner allows you do that, but the mittens provide the warmth.
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the liners work with the phone no problem. so when you want to take that quick sell if i oirks just take it out real quick and snap it. >> and how much are those? >> those guys i believe are $79.95. >> you're good with all the prices. >> all the customers ask me the same questions. this is next to skip, up against your body. that will retain the heat. great for just hanging around the cabin. >> so comfortable, too. >> so go to rei, check out some great stuff. and right now through the holidays. thanks so much. we'll be right back.
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this is your daughter. and she just got this. ooh boy. but, you've got hum. so you can set this. and if she drives like this, you can tell her to drive more like this. because you'll get this. you can even set boundaries for so if she should be here, but instead goes here, here, or here. you'll know. so don't worry, mom. because you put this, in here. hum by verizon. the technology designed to make your car smarter, safer and more connected. put some smarts in your car. welcome back. all morning long we've been asking you to send in the awkward christmas photos and
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here is one of mine. my little girl ava. she was 2 in this photo and she was crying like crazy. >> but your little guy looks so handsome. >> so keep sending them in. >> have a good sunday, everyone. good sunday morning, every. team trump takes shape. hi, everyone. thanks for being with us. this is sunday morning futures. president-elect donald trump meeting with rex tillerson. reports suggesting that the businessman has become the leading candidate for secretary of state. so when will mr. trump make up his mind? we will talk with kellyanne conway in a moment. plus what is the trump team's response to the cia finding the russians may have interfered with the u.s. election? then tax reforms, scaling back regulation, appealing obamacare, all top priorities for the new administration and new government come january. i'll


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